Your most-asked start-up questions: answered by founders
Expectations & examples

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What challenges should I expect?

Building a recruitment agency from scratch takes hard work.

RecruitHub have partnered with 100+ founders, so we know plenty of the challenges that await first-time founders.
Based on our experience, it helps to beware of the below:
It can be lonely
You don’t have a team, colleagues or boss to share the highs and lows with (unless you’re a member of a community like , of course...).
This can have a big impact if you don’t have a solid goal/target framework, and people to support and advise you as you get started.
You need to nail your niche
Knowing exactly who your first clients will be, why they’ll buy from you and how you’ll get those relationships started is critical.
It’s harder without a brand / track record / database - so you need to know where those early fees are coming from.
It can be overwhelming & distracting
Many top billers find their performance crashes when they launch solo.
Because their time gets sucked into legal, technology, troubleshooting, finance, compliance, T&Cs, brand... 100x things they didn’t spend time on when they were in agency.

Building your own successful company is incredibly rewarding.

It can change your life professionally and financially.
But it’s a different ball game from employee / agency life, and you should be ready for that.
Being part of a strong community to share ideas, compare and benchmark things and even share jobs / clients makes the learning curve much easier.

Thinking of launching?

RecruitHub gives founders access to a global community of other start-up agency owners, supported by fee-share opportunities, regular sessions, in-person meetups and more.
For more information, .

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