Your most-asked start-up questions: answered by founders
Planning & preparing

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What technology do I need?

Invest in tech that gives you a solid base for growth.

It can be tempting to launch your agency with the cheapest technology available.
A free / no CRM...
GoDaddy website...
But often it’s a false economy to under-invest.
You may find:
other agencies (with better tools) out-compete you
client traction is difficult with a weak brand
revenue opportunities slip if you can’t automate follow-up
your processes break as you try and scale headcount
it’s hard to hire top talent to join your business
you can’t diagnose performance issues if your reporting isn’t good enough
you waste time on low-value, manual tasks

Our stack

RecruitHub’s platform gives new agencies plug-and-play access to pre-licensed:
enterprise CRM
automated lead gen & funding alerts
email-finder & outreach automation platform
digital document signing
website (+ CRM-integrated job board)
digital phone (+CRM integration)
file storage
chat / collaboration
For more information, .

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